


石灰華,屬沉積岩。在堆積過程中有時會出現許多天然的無規則的孔洞。作者在設計中保留了這些孔洞,以還原時光流逝的痕跡。 此尊六祖慧能全跏趺坐像,注重寫實,整體造型參照早期嶺南人的相貌特點:顴骨較為突出、眼窩深、身材較北方人略顯瘦小、臉部略顯消瘦。


Master Hui Neng, known as the “Sixth Patriarch”, is the founder of the Chinese Chan Sect. His human body is
enshrined and worshiped in Nanhua Temple.

This statue of Master Hui Neng is in full-lotus posture. With reference to the appearance of people in early Lingnan,
the work is sculptured to present an authentic image of the master. It features prominent cheekbones, deep eyeholes,
a thin face, and a slight figure compared with northerners.

Sitting upright on the hourglass-shaped pedestal, his hands are in the mudra of meditation and his eyes look downward
with a manner of dignity and joy, which is a presentation of his humane image. He wears a should-covering kasaya
featuring clear-cut folds, with the hem draping on the pedestal in good order.