
37cm (l) x 37cm(w) x 37cm(h)

本尊釋迦牟尼佛坐像造型精妙簡練, 以金剛跏跌坐端坐於蓮臺上,左手結禪定印,右手觸地印,釋尊螺發排列緊密,寶珠頂嚴,眼睛嘴角展露童顏笑意,面容恍若童子,清凈如虛空,澄凈透徹。佛陀袒右肩,袈裟質地輕薄,緊貼身體,衣角搭於左肩,衣褶自然鋪於座面上,胸腹間肌肉微微隆起,呈現飽滿莊嚴的身相。蓮臺上下各飾一圈蓮瓣,蓮瓣圓潤飽滿。造像整體安寧祥和,傳遞著不可思議的力量,仰望之令人歡喜無量。

Exquisite and concise, this sculpture presents a sitting Sakyamuni in full-lotus posture with his left hand in meditation mudra and right one in bhutadamara mudra. With dense rahotsu (conch-like curls) and a pearl on the forehead, the Buddha has a childlike countenance from which you can feel a glimmer of smile both in his eyes and at corners of his mouth, leaving a sense of tranquility and purity. Wearing a light and well-fitted kasaya revealing his bulging muscles of chest and abdomen, the Buddha presents a solid and solemn state, with his right shoulder exposed, left shoulder covered by the kasaya and folds laying on the pedestal. Decorated with fresh, lively lotus petals on both ends of the pedestal, the sculpture tells peacefulness and serenity and transmits a marvelous power that offers great joy when you look up at the Buddha.