
76cm (l) x 76cm(w) x 100cm(h)


本尊蓮花生大士坐像嘴角微笑,額上雙眉微蹙,代表蓮師融合了祥和及忿怒面。 蓄發及蓄胡,表修持密法之行者若如法精進,不論出家、在家俱可證得無上佛果。


According to the classics of Esoteric Buddhism, Padmasambhava, as the manifestation of the Buddhas of the past, present, future, makes his appearance to the saha world for the benefits of mortal beings here. He has infinite power as the unity of wisdom, mercy and the power to vanquish the evil.
The sitting Padmasambhava has a mixed expression of smiling and frowning, representing that the Buddha has a combined disposition of being both amiable and august. His long hair and beard indicates that a Buddhist practitioner can attain Buddhahood whether being a monk or not once he follow the doctrine heart and soul. He wears a lotus hat with feathers on top and Cintamani (mani jewels) at the fore, signifying ultimate enlightenment. The Buddha holds a vajra in his right hand in tarjani mudra, indicating that he has reached the Buddhist state of the “five Buddhas and five wisdom”. He has a kapala skull bowl on his left palm and there is a bottle filled with the dew of wisdom inside the bowl. If a practitioner is lucky enough to be sprinkled with the dew and drink it, he or she will attain supreme siddhi (achievements) right away.
There is an upright khatvanga staff at the left rear of Padmasambhava. The three cusps represent body, self-nature and great compassion; the dry, withered and fresh heads symbolize the trinity of the Buddha, namely dharmakaya (the body of the absolute), nirmanakaya (the physical body), and sambhogakaya (the interface between the two bodies). The lotus pedestal beneath the Buddha tells his immaculate nature. There is a pair of timbrels on the auspicious silk floating with the wind, which is the symbol of the Buddha’s prajna, namely wisdom, and upaya, leading mortals to Buddhahood via expedient approaches, and also the symbol that the dharma of Padmasambhava will guide the living creature in all directions. The Buddha sits on the lotus pedestal with his left feet bent and right stretched, indicating that he has experienced Nirvana and could be able to wander around the three realms. With the lotus petals engraved in a realistic manner, the rigorously craved sculpture will endow the viewers a sense of humbleness and respectfulness.